Flowers are known to be beautiful – but did you know they were also therapeutic? When a loved one is sick or injured, sending s or plants may be one of the best things you can do for them. And with over 100 years of experience, the floral designers at Tobler’s Flowers have the knowledge you need to send the very best.
If your friend or family member is in one of our local Kansas City hospitals, you can rest assured that we can deliver to them. However, before calling us you may wish to check with the medical facility itself to see if there are any restrictions based upon the recipient’s specific situation. For instance, some units may not allow fresh s but will welcome green plants.

Whether you are visiting them at home or at a medical center, they will love to see you personally! But don’t arrive empty handed, as bright and colorful get well bouquets will raise their spirits and elevate their mood. In fact, according to Harvard University, n immediate positive effect on general well-being has been observed across all demographics, a result of simply receiving s!
Not Sure What to Choose? Yellow is well known as the most cheerful color in the spectrum, so including the hue in your arrangement is always a good choice. Gerbera daisies and tulips are happy and easy to care for, so make great get well bouquets. 
A green plant is also a smart choice for many patients, especially for him – or perhaps a patient whose doctor has limited their decor options. While beautiful s may help the patient emotionally, green plants actually provide physical benefits that may help on the road to recovery. With a reputation for purifying the air, the green plant not only adds beauty to the room, it may actually help them to breathe easier.
No one wants to hear that someone they love is not feeling well, but a thoughtful gift from Tobler’s Flowers is a sure way to convey your care and concern. Call us today if you have any questions at all as to how we can help, whether here in Kansas City or across the country.