Toblers Flowers Blog

Toblers Flowers Blog

Flower Delivery to Kansas City Metro including Kansas Suburbs

Elemental Ideas For 2018’s Flowers

We know it's a little early, but let's take a peek at 2018's landscape, shall we? This is made easier by the fact that International Floral Distributors released its annual trend report recently. It identifies four major approaches to floral design that IFD sees as the future of floral work. We're focusing on one in this week's blog, something IFD calls "Incarnation of Earth's Elements." We know, it's a mouthful. But let us at Tobler's Flowers give you a lay of this land. Read More about Elemental Ideas For 2018’s Flowers »
Posted by toblersflowers on December 18, 2017 Uncategorized

Our Flower-Filled Holiday Gift Guide

We here at Tobler's Flowers are happy to unveil our Holiday Gift Guide, a collection of seasonal items from gourmet baskets to stunning centerpieces guaranteed to satisfy everyone on your list. With so many people to buy for, it can be overwhelming to remember each and every one. But no matter who you're shopping for, whether it's coworkers, teachers, neighbors or clients, s are never the wrong choice. During this time of high sentiment, s, able to telegraph so much, are a fitting gift for just about anybody. Whatever you want to express, holiday blooms and greens are up to the challenge, available in a dizzying mix of rich colors, textures and fragrances. Read More about Our Flower-Filled Holiday Gift Guide »
Posted by toblersflowers on December 9, 2017 | Last Updated: November 10, 2020 Uncategorized

A Delicious Secret Santa Gift

Secret Santa, the group gift swap so popular in the West, is a relatively new tradition. It began in the U.S. after a 20th century philanthropist set the standard, distributing $100 bills in the Kansas City streets. In reality, the idea has been around for a long time, imported from Scandinavia, where gift givers adopted the custom of knocking on their neighbors' doors, leaving a gift and vanishing before they could be identified. For all of Secret Santa's fun, the randomly-assigned giftee scenario can be a challenge when picking out a gift. Fortunately, we at Toblers Flowers can help. Read More about A Delicious Secret Santa Gift »
Posted by toblersflowers on November 30, 2017 Uncategorized

Joyful Giving Through Flowers

Giving Tuesday, which falls this year on November 28, is the perfect antidote to the spending we've done on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Sure, it too will have us reaching into our wallets, but to benefit the causes and programs nearest and dearest to our hearts. This global initiative to promote charitable giving across the world is something that we at Toblers Flowers can really get behind. After all, we're in the business of helping people give, and we've got a year-round program that does just that. Read More about Joyful Giving Through Flowers »
Posted by toblersflowers on November 26, 2017 Uncategorized

Decorate Your Office for the Holiday

It's the most wonderful time of the year, and the hap-happiest season of all... for flowers and plants! At Toblers Flowers, we're thrilled to be working with the red, white and green holiday palette again. There's nothing quite like introducing the season's spirit into our homes through cheerful floral designs popping with bright blooms and fun accents like cinnamon sticks and pine cones. But there's another place that deserves a good dose of holiday cheer: the office. Read More about Decorate Your Office for the Holiday »
Posted by toblersflowers on November 17, 2017 | Last Updated: November 10, 2020 Uncategorized

Statement Centerpieces for Thanksgiving

You may think that at Thanksgiving, it's the food that does the talking. There's your centerpiece dish - turkey, ham, barbecue ribs (no judgment here) - and then there are the satellite items everyone contributes: your aunt's delicious yams, your sister's perfect pecan pie. There's no question that food is a host's top consideration on Thanksgiving, but Toblers Flowers would like to issue this gentle PSA: it's all about the s. Holiday centerpieces are bigger and better than ever, available in a range of seasonally-appropriate hues, full of texture but done with a modern twist. Look for interesting elements - feathers, grasses - and shapes to make a striking appearance this year. Read More about Statement Centerpieces for Thanksgiving »
Posted by toblersflowers on November 10, 2017 | Last Updated: October 16, 2020 Uncategorized

Bring a Bouquet for the Host

In the U.S. and elsewhere, it's long been the custom to give a host gift to someone who is having you in their home. Even in these post-Emily Post days, this is a tradition we at Toblers Flowers would like to see continue, especially on Thanksgiving, when so many of us are traveling over hill and dale to break bread with friends and family. This year, while you're putting together your stuffing or green bean casserole contribution, remember the s, too. Read More about Bring a Bouquet for the Host »
Posted by toblersflowers on November 2, 2017 | Last Updated: October 16, 2020 Uncategorized

Fetching Flowers for Veterans Day

Veterans Day is November 11, and our Kansas City community is busy planning the parades, parties and observances that will honor our U.S. military vets and their service to country. While we enjoy coming together to acknowledge our cherished heroes publicly, there's nothing like reaching out to a veteran personally to extend your gratitude. A phone call, a home-cooked meal and even a gift is in order. And if our favorite patriots live far from us, or can't make it out to one of the many events in town, s become an even more important gesture. Since the majority of our veterans are male, we at Toblers Flowers have our eye on a couple of arrangements that will appeal to both men and women. These fetching s are well-suited to the occasion at hand. Read More about Fetching Flowers for Veterans Day »
Posted by toblersflowers on October 27, 2017 | Last Updated: November 3, 2017 Uncategorized

Mums Shine This Fall

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: top; } There's so much ground to cover in Fall when it comes to decoration, from creating a general Autumnal look in your space to capturing the spirit of Halloween to anticipating Thanksgiving's decor demands. In the midst of all this, there's one that can rise to the occasion, and it's not just because it's Fall's most recognizable. Mums shine this Fall because they're durable, full of variety and come in all the harvest hues. And before you think of the golden ing plant you see in pots at doorsteps, allow us at Tobler's Flowers to show you otherwise. Read More about Mums Shine This Fall »
Posted by toblersflowers on October 20, 2017 | Last Updated: October 8, 2020 Uncategorized

Halloween Home Decor and Designs

Long after the trick-or-treaters have retreated from your doorstep, your Halloween home decor and designs can stay up. With a little clever planning, you can spread the Halloween spirit throughout your home through s you won't have to worry about taking down later. Given the season's warm harvest hues and rustic, textural touches, the common elements we decorate with for Halloween - spiders and ghosts aside - really lend themselves to staying in place beyond the holiday. Toblers Flowers offers several decorative options this Halloween that all have staying power. Read More about Halloween Home Decor and Designs »
Posted by toblersflowers on October 4, 2017 | Last Updated: October 15, 2017 Uncategorized