Toblers Flowers Blog

Toblers Flowers Blog

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Bees, Butterflies & Flower Gardens

Which one of us hasn't followed a butterfly as it flitted about a garden? There is something fascinating about this delicate creature that is seemingly arbitrary in where it lands, yet we know that it is actually on a search for the brightest s and sweetest nectar. Or perhaps we have stood transfixed watching the busy work of a honeybee, seemingly oblivious to us while going about its important task for the day. Both of these industrious insects are critical to our ecosystem, and our lives are more interconnected than most of us know. This summer, how about creating gardens to attract both bees and butterflies, and in doing so, making our world just a little better. Tobler's Flowers is here to provide the colorful s that bees and butterflies will love. Won't I Get Stung? Experts tell us that honeybees hard at work almost never sting. The exception is if they are threatened, cornered, or harassed. Given their exceptionally important work - we rely on them for our world-wide food supply, after all - it is worth the effort to help them to thrive. Simply stand back and allow them to work without scaring them, and you shouldn't have any issues.  Read More about Bees, Butterflies & Flower Gardens »
Posted by toblersflowers on July 2, 2017 | Last Updated: January 3, 2023 Uncategorized